Songs of Silence

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Welcome to to the world of Songs of Silence

Songs of Silence is a unique, story-rich strategy game for PC and console. It offers fast-paced campaigns, intense dynamic battles and stunning Art Nouveau visuals. Manage your kingdom and command armies as you explore a world torn by conflict and sundered into realms of light and darkness.

Learn more about the unique factions which inhabit our world below!

The Thousand Kingdoms

Small kingdoms ruled by 'high houses', constantly at war with one another. They are survivors of the previous Enlightened Empire, who pray to the Celestial gods. Our story focuses on one kingdom - that of Ehrengard, led by the young Queen Lorelai.

The Old Race

The original human Firstborn civilization, now only a shadow of their former power. They can harness the Hymn to bring life to their world and create artificial living creatures, called Konstrukts. Led by the warrior Akard, once a outcast, now a last hope.

The Crusade

A group of religious zealots, praying to the God in the Void. They manipulate Purgatories to devour the world's Hymn, leaving only Silence in their wake. The Crusade will accept the servitude of the conquered, but death may be preferrable...

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